I've been received some intense aromatherapy from the white oriental lilies and the jasmine by the patio. The late evening perfume is delicate yet powerfully affecting.
I found a little zinnia poking out of the crocosmia -- when will the crocosmia bloom? Must I wait much longer?
This Pentas was one of the plants I bought when blueberry picking to fill in spots after my manic culling of the ugly. I wonder if it will survive the winter since I'm not technically a zone 8, but some zone 8s winter over for me. It will be interesting to see what happens since I like having it here.
I find playing with the whites and greens so soothing in the mid-summer Virginia garden. When temps rise to over 95 degrees, the variegated foliage of the yucca and the simple whites of the phlox and the hydrangea paniculata are like a tall glass of limeade.
Before we left for our trip, I threw some old Scarlet Runner Bean seeds in the alley by the gate. They are running for sure now! Over the spent astilbe, the roses with black spot, and the struggling clematis. I'm going to do this every year, the spots of red are a nice focal point all the way in the back of the garden.

Welcome to blooms day! Lovely daylilies and zinnia. I also like the thistle. My jasmines are also blooming-such a heavenly scent.
Really gorgeous color. I love the globe thistle-such drama!
I wish I still had my jasmines for scent, but they are long gone. Enjoy yours!
That first lily is incredible! The Scarlet Runner was on my wish list for this year but I never got any of them. I did find where I could by the seeds though so I will have them next year. Beautiful blooms.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Bloom Day, Ann! May this be the first of many GBBD posts from you. You certainly have lots of beautiful blooms to share, but I too am especially impressed by the scarlet runner bean. I'll definitely have to try that next year!
I love the sent of oriental lilies and jasmine. That must be divine.
Your whole garden is lovely.
Happy bloom day, a few days late. I'm still working my way around to see what everyone has blooming. I can see why you wanted to take pictures of everything, your blooms look great. Thanks for joining in!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Stunning photographs! You really have a nice garden. The globe thistle is very interesting. I may have to try growing one.
I also like the scarlet runner bean!
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