Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm Back

Ahh. Back to the blog. After over three weeks of seriously tricky computer problems, I'm back. Thank you to Kindnessgirl's dear hubby, Jorge, for getting me up and running right before the arrival of dear Lyra Grace.

What has happened in the past weeks? Any gardening? Well, not exactly. I've exploited my Gardening WOOs, but have not had any nice big blocks of time to tackle the restructuring that needs to happen.

Here's what's been going on instead ...

Visiting the river to kayak, swim, and play with the dog ...

Squeezing in some daytrips to Sandbridge ...

Cleaning up after Hurricane Hannah and enjoying late summer weather on the patio ...

Working for Change We Can Believe In ...

And staging a professional photo shoot of the girls and their cousins for my mom. Allison (the photographer) was amazing ...

There will be some gardening content soon. I swear.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Wow! That is a lot of stuff!

I really like all the white dresses. Did someone talented that you know make them? Girlpants and her cousins would love to wear white dresses like those....